Monday, June 2, 2014

Last Blog

This is the absolutely the last blog for this project. We presented our video last Thursday. This last blog is directed for my reflection on the project. Our project, for me, was a very good project. It, hopefully, raised awareness at least with our peers in the classroom. We didn't really work hard enough on this project to be quite honest. The only successful thing out of this project were the blogs and the video, which is the whole project for us since we didn't do anything at all. We were either really lazy or either really busy there wasn't anything in between.

On the other hand, we helped raise awareness with our class, and at least we did that you know? If anyone ever reads these blogs then we either raised awareness with them or helped them out and letting them know they aren't alone. Also, they is someone there to help them. Nobody is ever alone.

So what I leave you with is my sincere goodbye. It was a good project and this is not the end, but the start of something new.

Reach me anytime at: