Welcome back. On week two we are going to start record our progress. We are going to record our progress in the next weeks. We will also be taking the pictures so I, Ashley will start forming the scrapbook. The scrapbook is mainly to show the progress we have done in the weeks. The videos are to show what we did, sort of behind the scenes of the interviews and it will also show our interviews. The interview videos won't show everything because the people getting interviewed might not want to show everything they talk about. I'm not saying they will talk a lot because they might be insecure about somethings they say. We really want to make sure that the people we interview know they can trust someone like us and we don't want them to feel embarrassed or something like that. To sum up, this week we are starting to record our beginning part and starting I, Ashley will start the scrapbook.
Excited to see your progress and more excited to see when you guys really get going. Keep it up.