Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Week three

On week three we started getting stories. The stories are about depression. We each got a story from somewhere. We share who got them if that person wants people to know who they are. The story that I got is about a girl. Around my age. She use to self-harm herself. She was really emotional at the time. She just didn't want her mom to find out so she had to look for a substitute for cutting. So she was always listening to music. One time She broke down and ended up doing it again. She knew she had to stay clean so she started to write and read and still listen to music so now she has been clean for three months. I am so proud of her I actually took her out to eat cause she deserves it so much. I am so proud to say that I know her so well.
That is one of the stories I got this week. We should start recording very soon. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Great photo. You should post more like this on your group's blog as well.
